ihsa team
The Saint Vincent College Equestrian Team is open to undergraduate students wishing to compete in the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA), a competition for riders of various skill levels: walk-trot, walk-trot-canter, flat and over fences. The IHSA eliminates the expense of shipping horses or even owning horses, because students travel to colleges or universities and ride horses from that stable. The objective of the IHSA competition is to offer showing opportunities to riders in their first years of riding as well as to students with show experience. Each rider has an equal chance to succeed since the horses are assigned randomly. Saint Vincent College is part of IHSA zone 2, region 5 and competes against other Universities including WVU, Seton Hill, Slippery Rock, Allegheny, Pitt, IUP, etc. The Team also participates in Club events, fundraising, and has some additional requirements for joining.